Facelift is a cosmetic surgery (rhytidectomy) performed to rejuvenate the facial skin and to give a younger and aesthetic appearance. Facelift is performed to clear the smile lines, smooth the contour and tighten the neck so as to give you the look as younger as you feel.
A facelift can reverse the tell-tale signs of aging: A tired and worn face with deep wrinkles, hollow cheeks, jowls and drooping neck.
Long lasting results are achieved by returning the SMAS (muscle and fat layer) to a more youthful position. This avoids a pulled look and maintains normal hairline and sideburns. It is often combined with additional procedures if needed, such as eyelid rejuvenation or fat transfer.
Is a procedure treating the superficial as well as the underlying tissue of the face and neck to provide a deeper correction than traditional lifts.
Is the most extensive lifting procedure through incisions hidden in the hairline. It gives dramatic particularly in the older patients.
Is ideal for younger patients for rejuvenation of the upper face. It has a short scar which does not extend into the hairline.
Restores the volume of a hollow mid-face and reduces deep naso-labial folds.