A beautiful face is a balanced faced with the eyes, nose, lips, cheek and chin in proportion to each other. Facial implants can be used to enhance structural integrity and create a more balanced and attractive face in patients with a disproportion between the different sections of the face.

Augmentation of the cheek and the chin are the most common facial implant procedures. A chin implant can improve the appearance of the chin whereas a cheek implant can give a more voluminous look to otherwise flat cheeks. These facial implants are made of bio-compatible materials and are available in different shapes and sizes to achieve the desired results.


  • How is the surgery done?
  • What should be done after the operation?
How is the surgery done?

The implant surgery is performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. For chin implant, an incision is made either below the chin or inside the mouth below the lower lip. For cheek implant, an incision is usually made inside the mouth through the upper lip. When coupled with other procedures for the face, the incision may be made inside the lower eyelid or within the hair line. Hence the surgical scar is either not visible or hardly noticeable. An appropriate implant is then inserted in the chin or cheek, through the incision. The implant is held in place either by making a well-fitting pocket or fixing it to the surrounding bone or soft tissue. The incision is finally closed with absorbable sutures or stitches that will be removed 1-2 weeks after the surgery.

What should be done after the operation?

Pain killers and antibiotics are prescribed, after the surgery, to reduce pain and the risk of infection.

Opening Hours

Monday – Saturday
09:00 am – 05:00 pm
08:00 pm – 12:00 am

Sunday: CLOSED

Harley Street Abu Dhabi JCI

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    Copyright © Harley Street Medical Centre 2024 | MOH : HX7WC25Y-160724 16/07/2025

    Copyright © Harley Street Medical Centre 2024 | MOH : HX7WC25Y-160724 16/07/2025

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