Arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that removes excessive fat and skin over the underarm and elbow. It helps in toning your arms and providing an appealing contour to them. Advancing age, weight fluctuations and genetic factors result in sagging and drooping of the upper arms that can hamper your appearance.

Exercise can only strengthen the underlying muscles of the upper arm; it does not improve the skin laxity or manage the fat deposits underlying weakened tissues. However, arm lift can successfully deal with all these problems and the results of arm lift surgery are long-lasting.


  • Who are the candidates?
  • How is arm lift procedure done?
  • What should be done after the procedure?
  • What is the recovery time for an arm lift?
Who are the candidates?
  • Adults with significant upper arm skin laxity
  • Adults of any age whose weight is relatively stable and who are not significantly overweight
  • Healthy individuals without medical conditions that impair healing or increase risk of surgery
  • Nonsmokers
  • Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic expectations
How is arm lift procedure done?

The common steps involved in arm lift procedure are as follows:

  • The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.
  • An incision is made over the skin; the length and pattern of which depends upon the location and amount of excess skin to be removed as well as the judgment of the plastic surgeon.
  • In general, incisions are placed on the inner side of the arm or on the back of the arm that may extend from the underarm (axilla), to the elbow.
  • During the procedure, the excessive fat is removed through liposuction.
  • Internal sutures help in forming new contours by tightening the underlying supportive tissues.
  • A small, thin tube is placed under the skin for the drainage of excessive blood or accumulated fluid.
  • Finally, the incisions are closed either by sutures, skin adhesives or tapes.
What should be done after the procedure?

The basic post-operative instructions after arm lift surgery include:

  • Keep the incision dry and clean.
  • Regular dressing of the incisions to help in healing
  • Regular intake of the prescribed medications
  • Avoid heavy activities, for a specified period during recovery, as recommended by your surgeon.
  • Avoid excessive force, or motion during the healing of the surgical incisions.
What is the recovery time for an arm lift?

Arm lift recovery time is usually 1 to 2 weeks. For a quicker recovery, it’s important to follow your post operative instructions. Get plenty of rest and avoid any strenuous activity that may include bearing weight or lifting over your head.

Opening Hours

Monday – Saturday
09:00 am – 05:00 pm
08:00 pm – 12:00 am

Sunday: CLOSED

Harley Street Abu Dhabi JCI

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    Copyright © Harley Street Medical Centre 2024 | MOH : HX7WC25Y-160724 16/07/2025

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